February 28, 2015

start of something new

At the strike of midnight I was enjoying whatever was left of some coquito my stepdad made while my friends and I said loving things to each other in our group chat.  By the time school started, I had cut my hair up to my chin and dyed it jet black.  It...was..ehrm... not my best choice.  It was too short for my liking and I missed having red/burgundy/pink/purple hair.  The first month of January went by extremely slow, and I was extremely done with school already. 

            When February started, I noticed I had a weird lump under my jaw. I was in and out of the hospital for two weeks because my lymph nodes got infected.  Getting hospitalized for the first time in over five years, twice, made my hand feel like it was going to drop off.  I also had my first CT Scan, let’s it was actually interesting.  I also learned more and more about the value of life, but I’ll write about that some other time.

            On to the fact that as this post is being written, February just ended. It went by so fast and despite the hospital in-and-out’s it was such a fun month.  I guess I should share just how fun it's been. Thank you for being so kind to me, February

This one was taken at my friend Mary's get. The room was clearly very bright.
 Almost at the end of the night I quickly snapped this.  Candids remind me more of how I spent the night.
 One night I did my own version of Girl with a Pearl Earring (Johannes Vermeer). I am still learning to do faces, so I stuck to my usual faceless portraits.  I actually like it a lot
 My friends and I went on a little date at the mall. This was taken at Pizza Hut by Mary, Ginty is next to me.
 Believe it or not I tried Firehouse Subs for the first time around February 25th. I went back less than a week later. It is my new home I am getting them to cater my wedding and my funeral.
 At Keyla's surprise birthday party, there were strings of pictures of all our friends with her.
 I ruined my new shoes.  Add them to the list of shoes I have to clean.

 My best friend Wil. I love the colors in this.

            Last but not least a picture with the birthday girl.

            I have three tests this week and it will be the death of me.  I also started playing DanganRonpa so I get easily distracted when trying to study or even sleep.  I also started 6 new anime, and currently have 16 on my ‘watching’ list.  I also have things to read and movies to watch. So many things to do, let’s hope I find the time soon.

February, thank you for being so good to me. March, try to keep up. Please.

Sincerely yours,

October 24, 2014

catch of the day

My life is as uneventful as always.  Well, not really. A lot has happened. A lot.
 Let's start off with one of my best friend's surprise Quince.
I like how it shows the phone we're all really looking at, it reminds me of how many pictures are taken at parties like these.

Aside from that day, we later stayed a weekend at a hotel in San Juan. That weekend was pure chaos in all the best ways imaginable.

 We took a walk on the beach, despite my hatred for beaches; this was one of my highlights of that weekend. 
Back at the hotel, while taking a break.

       Aside from those fun picture perfect days, or at least the ones I could even manage to take a picture, the rest is just a blur. Afterwards my friends and I went to a 70's-themed Quince, which was incredibly fun!
       These past few days have been made up by studying for Hell Week, binging anime to shorten M.A.L., making weeb friends on Tumblr and actually having fun for an hour or two at school.
You heard me, school wasn't entirely boring. I feel this year won't actually be so bad (except the fact it's going by so slow). I'm not saying I'll miss it, but I will surely love to remember the little details.

Sincerely yours,

July 29, 2014

my life ends in 14 days

School starts in fourteen days and I feel everything is out of control.

My mom has been sick for a week now, to the point she's bedridden. To prevent getting sick myself, I've been locked in my room eating Hot Pockets and watching cosplay panels. Due to my mom being sick for a week, I only have two weeks left to get my school supplies. But how do I do that when she's still bedridden? I don't even have one notebook, led alone the books. Heck, I don't even have a backpack for either of those things.

Also, I'm not pretty yet! Wikihow doesn't have articles on how to be pretty in two weeks! (Do they? I'll get onto that.) A brush hasn't touched my hair in d a y s, I haven't shaved my legs in d a y s, I haven't seen sunlight other than from my window after staying up all night in d a y s. I'm literally a mess. I haven't even worn pants in 2 weeks, not that I'm complaining about that. But preparing for the school year (especially when it's my first year of high school, in my country high school starts in 10th grade) requires re-dyeing my hair since I've done my best to wash it all out this month, do my eyebrows, remember a natural makeup routine and all that stuff I haven't done this month out of pure laziness. 

I'm expecting this year to not be so horrible though. I'm still deciding if I'm going to stay in the drama club or not, I love it but it's so time-consuming and sometimes I have more productive and important things to carry on with.

I also need to get my sleeping schedule back on track. I go to sleep at 8, 9, 10am to wake up at 5pm, to take a nap from 9pm until 12pm. That's messed up.

All in all, I'm nervous. It's my first year of high school for crying out loud. Maybe I qualify as a sophomore in the USA but here, I'm not. If I thought 9th grade was one heck of a ride I can't imagine these next 3 years.

I'll leave it here in case you are re-living high school traumas reading this.

Peace, love, empathy,

uncalled for hiatus

I haven't updated my blog in forever (about three weeks). It's not that I didn't want to update it, I was just busy letting SnK take over my life. What is SnK? Well fellas, it's an anime. Shingeki no Kyojin, better known in the states as Attack on Titan, is the best thing I've ever laid eyes on. I won't get into details on what it's about, but I will give you some information on it:

Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by titans. Titans are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to do it for the pleasure rather than as a food source. A small percentage of humanity survived by walling themselves in a city protected by extremely high walls, even taller than the biggest of titans.  
Flash forward to the present and the city has not seen a titan in over 100 years. Teenage boy Eren and his foster sister Mikasa witness something horrific as the city walls are destroyed by a colossal titan that appears out of thin air. As the smaller titans flood the city, the two kids watch in horror as their mother is eaten alive. Eren vows that he will murder every single titan and take revenge for all of mankind. - (From MyAnimeList.net's Shingeki no Kyojin page)
After Eren makes that vow, the story continues five years later, as he trains in the military to fight said titans. Oh but that's not all, the amount of plot twists are unbelievable and it's only one 25-episode season. If you read the manga, it gets even better.

The story itself seems easy to explain, but everything that goes into it is so much more I can't find a way to put it into words. Ever since I joined the fandom, I had to make a separate Tumblr or else my main one would turn into a fanblog. (Now I spend more time on the "side fanblog" than on my "main" one, wow). I also have more reasons for going to multi-shipping hell.

I've had a writer's block for the past few months. I couldn't continue a book, I couldn't write poetry I liked, not even a short story for school. Which was weird, because I don't really put down my work even if it isn't professional. That block went away a couple of days ago, where I got inspired to write a fanfiction based on SnK. I probably won't publish it, but it's good enough for me. It's not a ship fanfiction, it's the events from the original SnK, based on a completely different OC's POV.

If you've put up with what I've written about SnK so far in this post, I love you. Once school starts my friends will be sick and tired about listening to me blab about SnK since they don't watch anime, like, at all. I only got Ginty to watch like 7 episodes of Soul Eater 2 months ago.

This post would be a lot longer if I could spoil everything about SnK. But for the sake of nobody, I won't.

Peace, love, empathy,

P.S.: If you want to look up more information about SnK, don't. The amount of spoilers everywhere is incredible considering the manga is almost 5 years old and the anime is already a year old, so just watch the first episode if you're interested.