October 24, 2014

catch of the day

My life is as uneventful as always.  Well, not really. A lot has happened. A lot.
 Let's start off with one of my best friend's surprise Quince.
I like how it shows the phone we're all really looking at, it reminds me of how many pictures are taken at parties like these.

Aside from that day, we later stayed a weekend at a hotel in San Juan. That weekend was pure chaos in all the best ways imaginable.

 We took a walk on the beach, despite my hatred for beaches; this was one of my highlights of that weekend. 
Back at the hotel, while taking a break.

       Aside from those fun picture perfect days, or at least the ones I could even manage to take a picture, the rest is just a blur. Afterwards my friends and I went to a 70's-themed Quince, which was incredibly fun!
       These past few days have been made up by studying for Hell Week, binging anime to shorten M.A.L., making weeb friends on Tumblr and actually having fun for an hour or two at school.
You heard me, school wasn't entirely boring. I feel this year won't actually be so bad (except the fact it's going by so slow). I'm not saying I'll miss it, but I will surely love to remember the little details.

Sincerely yours,